Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Share a Post on Facebook Page using Scribe and Java

As a second Part of my earlier post, I will now demonstrate how you can Share a Post on a Facebook Page using Scribe and Java.

The pre-requisites/setup is the same as mentioned in the first part. i.e.

  • Create a Facebook App and get App ID & App Secret
  • Initialize Scribe’s OAuthService using above information
  • Get Short Lived Access Tokens and then exchange it a Long Lived Access Token – Note that these tokens are the Facebook App’s Tokens

    Token accessToken;

    //facebook app's short-lived access token
    //accessToken = getFbAppShortLivedAccessToken(oAuthService);
    //accessToken = new Token("CAAF3yH4PHBkBAO4mTp8sgngVkNgQxAebc1xt4O64qeOqlzxiI7vyJpM8Ml7VAIKROHPJB5IgDEgi0ShfWIkrnuMirmEm0UjuYFSrRlaURj9YWEWWKLrBQN5vrjFkid4JPMMYsewEcODKe73dp3LYA2JeHld8ZAJc1EkLZCr3HNdYLprSJF", "");

    //facebook app's long-lived access token
    //accessToken = getFbAppLongLivedAccessToken(oAuthService, accessToken);
    accessToken = new Token("CAAF3yH4PHBkBAKUwtBB5SAEreaLN2uVDRI48Q5LhAEHn2kUKaCyDcUO1y8ZBobqFccBx7QDdIWDd4gKJcQpZCYMAIy7P5KIKRBrvzuliJpjUJW18QUU3ijk4NMqROZAPmmrHqf24PufYNK9R26vRn9X7suDtuSze3eKvh5zSrZADZAkZCZARHan9ZAyWZBZBKvhWUZD", "");

  • You will also have to get the Short and Long Lived Access Tokens for the Facebook Page, on to which you want to share a post

    Token pageAccessToken;

    //facebook page's short-lived access token
    //pageAccessToken = getFbPageShortLivedAccessToken(oAuthService, accessToken);
    //pageAccessToken = new Token("CAAF3yH4PHBkBAMzY4Tyi5nyzhckF2DZC0V3ZBWjd5orLwZCw2Xv6lZBhCxsB29HCwPKdF8iMPgqmdurK9ZB2vmL7wPHlrWxagZA329QZBrnwkswZAMPZCDTvL5xcfCAvmZCTQXe6kS5ZAbUIELd1TeqB0pbjmkYh6w6kTNxtvRCSnAtDWOLMeP7qvpPMFXP21JFzToZD", "");

    //facebook page's long-lived access token
    //pageAccessToken = getFbPageLongLivedAccessToken(oAuthService, pageAccessToken);
    pageAccessToken = new Token("CAAF3yH4PHBkBAOSP9vZA0ZA876psVlRIfl1kQ4wdZBRm6M2nCx6Ru9eurBGzcx1zfLtBDZC2EFnGSNWuukwLpmgVHil57oXiZBLYRoWl0h8DcE8XSpAGvcxOumJrZBHZAEEFjZA1jrDVZCJu8ZBLZBQUqwKll0Ngy4EZCiglCYGSTj9NbOkuyX8S6vQl", "");


OAuthRequest request = new OAuthRequest(Verb.POST, "https://graph.facebook.com/" + FB_PAGE_NAME + "/feed");
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z");
String message = "test message - " + sdf.format(new Date());
request.addBodyParameter("message", message);
String link = "
request.addBodyParameter("link", link);
request.addBodyParameter(ACCESS_TOKEN, pageAccessToken.getToken());
oAuthService.signRequest(accessToken, request);
Response response = request.send();

Note that we have used accessToken, Facebook App’s Access Token, to sign the request as usual. And, we are passing the pageAccessToken, Facebook Page’s Access Token, as a parameter of our request. This will ensure the Facebook Page Impersonation, such that the Facebook Page’s name and icon will be displayed as the Sharer. If you don’t pass pageAccessToken as a parameter than the Facebook App’s name and icon will be displayed as the Sharer.

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