Monday 17 December 2012

JDBC URL String Part Five


Please click here to read the introduction of the series of posts and the format being used.

  1. Oracle – MySQL – ConnectorJ
    1. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    2. jdbc:mysql://<hostname>[,<failoverhost>][:<port>]/<dbname>[?<URL attribute>=<value>]*
    3. jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb
    4. 3306
  2. HP – NeoView – HPT4 
    1. com.hp.t4jdbc.HPT4Driver
    2. jdbc:hpt4jdbc://ip_addr_or_host_name:18650/[:][property=value[;property2=value2]...]
    3. jdbc:hpt4jdbc://primary_IP_addr_on_Neoview_DB:18650/
    4. 18650
  3. IBM – Netezza – Netezza
    1. org.netezza.Driver
    2. jdbc:netezza://<server>[:<port>]/<database>
    3. jdbc:netezza://netezzaserver:5480/sample
    4. 5480
  4. OpenBase – OpenBase – OpenBase
    1. com.openbase.jdbc.ObDriver
    2. jdbc:openbase://<server>/<databaseName>
    3. jdbc:openbase://localhost/petstore
    4. ???
  5. Oracle – Oracle – Oracle
    1. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Thin with Service Name - jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/<service_name>
      2. Thin with SID - jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<SID>
      3. Thin with TNS - jdbc:oracle:thin:@<TNSName> 
      4. OCI - jdbc:oracle:oci:@<database_name>
    3. Examples
      1. Thin with Service Name - jdbc:oracle:thin:@//
      2. Thin with SID - jdbc:oracle:thin:
      3. Thin with TNS - jdbc:oracle:thin:@GL
      4. OCI - jdbc:oracle:oci:@HR
    4. 1521
  6. Pervasive – Pervasive – Pervasive
    1. com.pervasive.jdbc.v2.Driver
    2. jdbc:pervasive://<server>[:<port>]/<datasource>
    3. jdbc:pervasive://
    4. 1583
  7. PostgreSQL – PostgreSQL – PostgreSQL
    1. org.postgresql.Driver
    2. jdbc:postgresql://<server>[:<port>]/<databaseName>
    3. jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5342/pgdb
    4. 5342

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