Monday, 17 December 2012

JDBC URL String Part Seven


Please click here to read the introduction of the series of posts and the format being used.

  1. Oracle – PointBase – PointBase
    1. Drivers
      1. Universal - com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver
      2. Net -
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Server - jdbc:pointbase:server://<host>/<database_name>
      2. Embedded – jdbc:pointbase:embedded:<database_name>
    3. Examples
      1. Server - jdbc:pointbase:server//
      2. Embedded - jdbc:pointbase:embedded:sample
    4. ???
  2. Oracle – PointBase Micro – PointBase ME
    2. jdbc:pointbase:micro:<db_name>
    3. jdbc:pointbase:micro:medb
    4. ???
  3. ??? – DaffodilDB Embedded – DaffodilDB
    2. jdbc:daffodilDB_embedded:<database>
    3. jdbc:daffodilDB_embedded:LPX
    4. ???
  4. ??? – DaffodilDB Server – DaffodilDB
    2. jdbc:daffodilDB://<host>:<port3456>/<database>
    3. jdbc:daffodilDB://localhost:3456/testdb
    4. 3456

JDBC URL String Part Six


Please click here to read the introduction of the series of posts and the format being used.

  1. SAP – SAP DB – SAP DB
    2. jdbc:sapdb://<server>/<database_name>
    3. jdbc:sapdb://localhost/test
    4. ???
  2. Xerial – SQLite – SQLite
    1. org.sqlite.JDBC
    2. jdbc:sqlite:<filename.db>
    3. jdbc:sqlite:sample.db
    4. ???
  3. SAP – SQL AnyWhere – SQL AnyWhere
    1. Drivers
      1. 9.0.2 -
      2. 10.0.0 / 10.0.1 / 11.0.0 -
      3. 11.0.1 - sybase.jdbc.sqlanywhere.IDriver
      4. 12.0.0 - no longer required for JDBC 4.0
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. 9.0.2 - jdbc:odbc:Driver=Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0;UID=DBA;PWD=sql;eng=demo
      2. 10.0.0 - jdbc:odbc:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10 Demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql;eng=demo
      3. 10.0.1 - jdbc:ianywhere:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10;DSN=SQL Anywhere 10 Sample
      4. 11.0.0 - jdbc:ianywhere:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10;DSN= SQL Anywhere 11 Sample
      5. 11.0.1 / 12.0.0 - jdbc:sqlanywhere:uid=DBA;pwd=sql;eng=demo
    3. Examples
      1. 9.0.2 - jdbc:odbc:Driver=Adaptive Server Anywhere 9.0;UID=DBA;PWD=sql;eng=demo
      2. 10.0.0 - jdbc:odbc:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10 Demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql;eng=demo
      3. 10.0.1 - jdbc:ianywhere:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10;DSN=SQL Anywhere 10 Sample
      4. 11.0.0 - jdbc:ianywhere:Driver=SQL Anywhere 10;DSN= SQL Anywhere 11 Sample
      5. 11.0.1 / 12.0.0 - jdbc:sqlanywhere:uid=DBA;pwd=sql;eng=demo
    4. 2638
  4. SmallSQL – SmallSQL – SmallSQL
    1. smallsql.database.SSDriver
    2. jdbc:smallsql:databaseName[?URL attribute=value[URLattribute=value]*]
    3. jdbc:smallsql:MyDb?create=true 
    4. ???
  5. Teradata – Teradata – Teradata
    1. com.teradata.jdbc.TeraDriver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Type 3 - jdbc:teradata://host:port/DatabaseServerName
      2. Type 4 - jdbc:teradata://DatabaseServerName
    3. Examples
      1. Type 3 - jdbc:teradata://localhost/test
      2. Type 4 – jdbc:teradata://test
    4. ???
  6. HP – Vertica – Vertica
    1. com.vertica.Driver
    2. jdbc:vertica://<server>[:<port>]/<databaseName>
    3. jdbc:vertica://
    4. 5433

JDBC URL String Part Five


Please click here to read the introduction of the series of posts and the format being used.

  1. Oracle – MySQL – ConnectorJ
    1. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    2. jdbc:mysql://<hostname>[,<failoverhost>][:<port>]/<dbname>[?<URL attribute>=<value>]*
    3. jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb
    4. 3306
  2. HP – NeoView – HPT4 
    1. com.hp.t4jdbc.HPT4Driver
    2. jdbc:hpt4jdbc://ip_addr_or_host_name:18650/[:][property=value[;property2=value2]...]
    3. jdbc:hpt4jdbc://primary_IP_addr_on_Neoview_DB:18650/
    4. 18650
  3. IBM – Netezza – Netezza
    1. org.netezza.Driver
    2. jdbc:netezza://<server>[:<port>]/<database>
    3. jdbc:netezza://netezzaserver:5480/sample
    4. 5480
  4. OpenBase – OpenBase – OpenBase
    1. com.openbase.jdbc.ObDriver
    2. jdbc:openbase://<server>/<databaseName>
    3. jdbc:openbase://localhost/petstore
    4. ???
  5. Oracle – Oracle – Oracle
    1. oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Thin with Service Name - jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/<service_name>
      2. Thin with SID - jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<SID>
      3. Thin with TNS - jdbc:oracle:thin:@<TNSName> 
      4. OCI - jdbc:oracle:oci:@<database_name>
    3. Examples
      1. Thin with Service Name - jdbc:oracle:thin:@//
      2. Thin with SID - jdbc:oracle:thin:
      3. Thin with TNS - jdbc:oracle:thin:@GL
      4. OCI - jdbc:oracle:oci:@HR
    4. 1521
  6. Pervasive – Pervasive – Pervasive
    1. com.pervasive.jdbc.v2.Driver
    2. jdbc:pervasive://<server>[:<port>]/<datasource>
    3. jdbc:pervasive://
    4. 1583
  7. PostgreSQL – PostgreSQL – PostgreSQL
    1. org.postgresql.Driver
    2. jdbc:postgresql://<server>[:<port>]/<databaseName>
    3. jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5342/pgdb
    4. 5342

JDBC URL String Part Four


Please click here to read the introduction of the series of posts and the format being used.

  1. Embarcadero – InterBase – InterBase
    1. interbase.interclient.Driver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Absolute Path - jdbc:InterBase://servername//absolutePathToDatabase.ib
      2. Relative Path - jdbc:InterBase://servername/relativePathToDatabase.ib
    3. jdbc:InterBase://loopback/c:/interbas/examples/jupiter.ib
      1. Notice ‘loopback’ is used for local connections
    4. N/A
  2. Microsoft – MS SQL Server – jTDS
    1. net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
    2. jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://<host>:<port>/<database_name>
    3. jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://
    4. 1433
  3. Microsoft – MS SQL Server – MS SQL
    2. jdbc:sqlserver://<server_name>:<port>
    3. jdbc:sqlserver://
    4. 1433
  4. SAP – Sybase – jTDS
    1. net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
    2. jdbc:jtds:sybase://<host>[:<port>][/<database_name>]
    3. jdbc:jtds:sybase://
    4. 7100 or 5000
  5. SAP – Sybase – Sybase
    1. com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver
    2. jdbc:sybase:Tds:<host>:<port>
    3. jdbc:sybase:Tds:
    4. 7100 or 5000
  6. DynamoDB – LucidDB – LucidDB
    1. org.luciddb.jdbc.LucidDbClientDriver
    2. jdbc:luciddb:http://<server>[:<port>]
    3. jdbc:luciddb:http://localhost:8034
    4. 8034
  7. SAP – MaxDB – MaxDB
    2. jdbc:sapdb://<server>[:<port>]/<databaseName>
    3. jdbc:sapdb://localhost:7210/sample
    4. 7210
  8. Mckoi – Mckoi – Mackoi
    1. com.mckoi.JDBCDriver
    2. jdbc:mckoi://<server>[:<port>][/<schema>]/
    3. jdbc:mckoi://localhost:9157/test
    4. 9157
  9. Mimer – Mimer – Mimer
    1. com.mimer.jdbc.Driver
    2. jdbc:mimer://<server>[:<port>]/<database>
    3. jdbc:mimer://localhost:1360/ExampleDB
    4. 1360
  10. MonetDB – MonetDB – MonetDB
    1. nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDriver
    2. jdbc:monetdb://<server>[:<port>]/<database>
    3. jdbc:monetdb://monetdbserver:50000/test
    4. 50000

Sunday, 16 December 2012

JDBC URL String Part Three


Please click here to read the introduction of the series of posts and the format being used.

  1. InterSystems – Cache – Cache
    1. com.intersys.jdbc.CacheDriver
    2. jdbc:Cache://<server>[:<port>]/<namespace>
    3. jdbc:Cache://
    4. 56772
  2. IBM – DB2 AS/400 – AS400
    2. jdbc:as400://system-name/default-schema;properties
    3. jdbc:as400://;naming=system;errors=full
    4. 446
  3. IBM – DB2 Universal Database – DB2 Universal Database 
    1. Driver
      1. Type 2 & 4 -
      2. App -
      3. Net -
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Type 2 & App - jdbc:db2:<database_name>
      2. Type 4 & Net - jdbc:db2://<host>[:<port>]/<database_name>
    3. Examples
      1. Type 2 & App - jdbc:db2:test
      2. Type 4 & Net - jdbc:db2://
    4. 50000 / 446 / 6789
  4. FrontBase – FrontBase – FrontBase
    1. com.frontbase.jdbc.FBJDriver
    2. jdbc:FrontBase://<host>[:<port>]/<databaseName>[/var=value]*
    3. jdbc:FrontBase://localhost/sample
    4. ???
  5. Apache – Hive – Hive
    1. org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
    2. jdbc:hive://<server>[:<port>]/default
    3. jdbc:hive://localhost:10000/default 
    4. 10000
    1. org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Server - jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://<server>[:<port>]/<databaseName>
      2. Embedded Memory - jdbc:hsqldb:mem:<databaseName>
      3. Embedded File - jdbc:hsqldb:file:<database-file>
    3. jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://
    4. 9001
  7. IBM – Informix – Informix
    1. com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver
    2. jdbc:informix-sqli://<server>[:<port>]/<databaseName>:informixserver=<dbservername>
    3. jdbc:informix-direct://testDB;user=rdtest;password=test
    4. 1533
  8. Actian – Ingres – Ingres
    1. com.ingres.jdbc.IngresDriver
    2. jdbc:ingres://<server>:<instance-name>7/<databaseName>
    3. jdbc:ingres://localhost:II7/verde02 
    4. Port (3 chars: the two char Ingres Instance ID and the digit 7, e.g., II7)

JDBC URL String Part Two


Please click here to read the introduction of the series of posts and the format being used.

  1. Oracle – Java DB – Java DB
    1. Drivers
      1. Embedded - org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
      2. Client/Server - org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
    2. jdbc:derby:[subsubprotocol:][databaseName][;attribute=value]*
    3. Examples
      1. Embedded - jdbc:derby:sample
      2. Client/Server – jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/sample
  2. Empress – Empress – Empress
    1. Drivers
      1. JDBC Driver Category 2 - empress.jdbc.empressDriver
      2. JDBC Driver Category 3 - empress.jdbc.clientDriver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. JDBC Driver Category 2 - jdbc:empress://subname
      2. JDBC Driver Category 3 - jdbc:empress://server:port/subname
  3. EnterpriseDB – EnterpriseDB – EnterpriseDB
    1. com.edb.Driver
    2. jdbc:edb://[host[:port]]/database
    3. jdbc:edb://localhost/edb
  4. FileMaker – FileMaker – SequeLink
    1. com.ddtek.jdbc.sequelink.SequeLinkDriver
    2. jdbc:<subprotocol>:<subname>
    3. jdbc:sequelink://
    4. 2399 (fixed, can not change)
  5. FireBird – FireBird – Firebird
    1. org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. jdbc:firebirdsql:host[/port]:<path to db>?<properties>
      2. Native - jdbc:firebirdsql:native:host[/port]:<path to db>?<properties>
      3. Local - jdbc:firebirdsql:local:<absolute path to database>?<properties>
      4. Embedded - jdbc:firebirdsql:embedded:<path to database>?<properties>
      5. Embedded Server - jdbc:firebirdsql:embedded:host[/port]:<path to database>?<properties>
    3. jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050:c:/db/employee.fdb
    4. 3050
  6. EMC – Greenplum – PostgresSQL
    1. org.postgresql.Driver
    2. jdbc:postgresql:[//host[:port]/]databasename
    3. jdbc:postgresql://localhost/testdb
  7. H2 – H2 – H2
    1. org.h2.Driver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Embedded
        1. jdbc:h2:~/test 'test' in the user home directory
        2. jdbc:h2:/data/test 'test' in the directory /data
        3. jdbc:h2:test in the current(!) working directory
      2. In-Memory
        1. jdbc:h2:mem:test multiple connections in one process
        2. jdbc:h2:mem: unnamed private; one connection
      3. Server Mode
        1. jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test user home dir
        2. jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost//data/test absolute dir
    3. Settings
      1. jdbc:h2:..;MODE=MySQL compatibility (or HSQLDB,...)
      2. jdbc:h2:..;TRACE_LEVEL_FILE=3 log to *.trace.db

Saturday, 15 December 2012

JDBC URL String Part One


Please click here to read the introduction of the series of posts and the format being used.

  1. 4D – 4D – 4D
    1. com.fourd.jdbc.DriverImpl
    2. jdbc:4d:ip-address
    3. jdbc:4d:
  2. Software AG – Adabas D – Adabas D
    1. de.sag.jdbc.adabasd.ADriver
    2. jdbc:adabasd://server-node[:port]/server-db
    3. jdbc:adabasd://localhost/mydb
  3. Apache – Derby – Derby
    1. org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
    2. jdbc:derby:[subsubprotocol:][databaseName][;attribute=value]*
    3. jdbc:derby:sample
  4. Teradata – Aster nCluster – Aster nCluster
    1. com.asterdata.ncluster.Driver
    2. jdbc:ncluster://{ip or name of server}:2406/{database name}
    3. jdbc:ncluster://localhost:2406/mydb
    4. 2406
  5. Altibase – Altibase – Altibase
    1. Altibase.jdbc.driver.AltibaseDriver
    2. jdbc:Altibase://server_ip:server_port/dbname
    3. jdbc:Altibase://
    1. csql.jdbc.JdbcSqlDriver
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. jdbc:csql
        Connect to database without network.
      2. jdbc: adapter
        Connect to database through adapter without network for any operation in target database
      3. jdbc:gateway
        Connect to database through gateway without network
      4. jdbc:csql://<Host Name>:<Port>/csql
        Connect to database with network
      5. jdbc:adapter://<Host Name>:<port>/csql
        Connect to database through adapter with network for any operation on target database
      6. jdbc:gateway://<Host Name>:<port>/csql
        Connect to database through gateway with network
    1. cubrid.jdbc.driver.CUBRIDDriver
    2. jdbc:cubrid:<host>:<port>:<db-name>:[user-id]:[password]:[?<property> [& <property>]]
    3. jdbc:CUBRID:
    4. 33000
  8. Daffodil – Daffodil DB – Daffodil DB
    1. Drivers
    2. JDBC URLs
      1. Server - jdbc:daffodilDB://<server>[:<port>]/<databaseName>
      2. Embedded - jdbc:daffodilDB_embedded:<databaseName>
    3. Examples
      1. Server – jdbc:daffodilDB://localhost:3456/mydb
      2. Embedded – jdbc:daffodilDB_embedded:mydb
    4. 3456

Java Database Connectivity - JDBC URL String

This post links a series of post which contains almost all database’s information which provide connectivity via Java Database Connectivity i.e. JDBC API. General format to define JDBC related information for these posts is as follows:
  1. Vendor – Database – Driver
    1. Driver Class
    2. JDBC URL
    3. Example
    4. Default Port (if any)

JDBC URL String - Part One

JDBC URL String - Part Two

JDBC URL String - Part Three

JDBC URL String – Part Four

JDBC URL String – Part Five

JDBC URL String – Part Six

JDBC URL String – Part Seven